If you need more help with the NFB-NEWSLINE Mobile app, encounter problems with the app, or notice that a publication is not working properly, please reach out to our help desk at 866-504-7300 or Email NFBNewsline@NFB.org. Please do not feel shy about reaching out.
Listen to Using NFB Newsline with Alexa
Indiana Newspapers Available Through
- Anderson Herald Bulletin
- Associated Press Indiana
- Evansville Courier & Press
- Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
- Herald Times
- Indianapolis Business Journal
- Indianapolis Monthly
- Indianapolis Recorder
- Indianapolis Star
- Jeffersonville News and Tribune
- Lafayette Journal and Courier
- Muncie Star Press
- Northwest Indiana Hammond Times
- Republic
- Richmond Palladium-Item
- South Bend Tribune
- Terre Haute Tribune-Star
The NFB-NEWSLINE® Alexa Skill for Amazon Echo Speakers Is Now Available!
Access NFB-NEWSLINE® content on Amazon Echo speakers with your voice by saying, “Alexa, open National Federation.” Read the over 500 publications, Indiana newspapers, national papers, magazines and more with Alexa commands like:
- “Alexa, ask National Federation to list papers from Indiana”
- “Alexa, ask National Federation to read the Indianapolis Star”
- “Alexa, ask National Federation to speak a little slower”
- “Alexa, ask National Federation to change voices”
- “Alexa, ask National Federation to go to the next section”
- “Alexa, ask National Federation to add this to my favorites”
- “Alexa, ask National Federation to email me this article”